Our media team are highly experienced and qualified therapists, ready to advise, guide and contribute to your questions, articles, events or programmes.
So how might LCC help?
Some regular requests are:-
- You are a journalist writing an article on or responding to an issue with an emotional difficulty. The LCC Media Team can advise on the right way to present your article, inform your readers and help you to explore the issue in an insightful and empathetic way.
- You are a programme maker and you need expert advice and insights into the programme’s content. The LCC media team can advise you on the many aspects of relationships, sex and sexuality and emotional difficulties and how best to portray them.
- You are a professional body, a school or a group and you need expert input to an event, issue or training day. The LCC Media Team can advise you on the content, the best clinical viewpoints and suggest experts who might help or be involved on the day.
Some of the people we have helped recently are:
The work our therapists do is both sensitive and confidential. For this reason, it is not appropriate for us to assist the media to make direct or indirect contact with past or current clients or to offer information from case studies.
We are, however, very happy to offer comprehensive, professional and responsive news and information service for journalists and media professionals on all aspects of counselling, couples work and psycho-sexual therapy, or other related areas.
Your first point of call is LCC’s Director Krystal Woodbridge. Krystal is also the Media Representative at the College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists (COSRT). Please direct any questions or queries to her at [email protected], or on 01462 674671.